I spent 1 full day working on this template, and only 2 whole nights tweaking the dang thing!

I'm quite happy with how it's turned out so far! (Lots more tweaking to come...)
I've put in a couple of nifty "hidden" features, that you'll totally love... once you find/notice them. : )
The look and feel I was going for while designing this template was...
1. simple
2. elegant
3. fresh + fun
Hope you like the new look, cos I'm loving it!
: )
Let me know what you think...
Thumbs up! Totally.
Super. Funky thing with the photos. :)
New look is great! ..and love the WITnessed series!
Good job :D!
Thanks guys... and girls! : )
Glad you like the new look...
kickass ! now that ur done pimping, i can finally say that the old one sucked big time :)
Random Guy : Excuse me, whats your name?
Urvashi : Why?! You don't have a name either?!
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