This one's a classic...
Vikas and I were goofing around (as usual) in the Electronics Lab[1]... We were sitting right in front, and were cracking up on one of our jokes, when the professor (who we affectionately called Goofy) lost his patience.
Prof. Goofy : Enough of this fooling around! If you want to laugh go outside the lab and laugh as much as you want!
Vikas, Pratik : Sorry Sir. (stifling our laughter)Prof. Goofy : Vikas, and... (pointing to me) Erm, whats your name?
Pratik : Pratik, Sir...Prof. Goofy : Yeah... You two stand up... Pratik, and... (pointing to Vikas) Erm, whats your name?
Vikas : Erm... Vikas.I look at Vikas, he looks at me, and we both burst out laughing again. I couldn't control myself, so I got up, excused myself, and walked out of the lab voluntarily.
Poor Vikas was bravely trying to contain his laughter and was even managing to look apologetic, till he saw me through the window, laughing my ass off outside. He joined me outside a couple of seconds later...
[1] This was in 11th standard in Nowrosjee Wadia College.
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