Sunday, September 14, 2008

WITnessed : Food for thought...

Over dinner...

*while waiting for dinner to be served*

Spandana : I've been vegetarian for a month now, but I'm having a horrible time with food... Why is it so difficult to get good yummy veg food in Hyd!?
Gitanjali : How can you turn vegetarian after eating non veg for so long!?

*short discourse on benefits of vegetarianism*

*when the waiter appears with our food*

Spandana : Ok people, get ready to attack the veg food. We've got to predate if necessary...
Gitanjali : Wow...
Spandana : Don't look at me like that... its a dog eat dog world out there!
Gitanjali : So says the vegetarian!

Quick Links :
Erm... What exactly is "WITnessed"?
The full WITnessed series...


Unknown said...

Hahaha. Funny blog PS.

gigi said...


But yeah.. funny! :)

Pratik Stephen said...

yes... we know your name!
So are momo's are on tonight?
: )

gigi said...

Accept the friend request on FB...