While driving in the city...
Pratik : I need to start saving up for my South African Safari! I'm spending too much money lately...
Sailu : Why? Where does all your money go?
Pratik : Rent and car...
Sailu : Oh yeah! Petrol is expensive no? Maybe we should contribute for your petrol.
Pratik : Na... That's fine... The petrol's not a problem, its the car loan I'm paying off that's expensive! But you've got a point there... From now when we go out, you guys can pay for my food! : )
Sailu : Actually, I'd prefer the petrol option, you're car consumes less than you I'm sure!
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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I totally love your "WITnessed" series............
Hey Param!
Thanks...I'm glad you like it!
: )
I started it for my friends and family, and all of us love it...
But I wasn't sure whether someone who doesn't know the people in WITnessed, would get the jokes or find them funny...
: )
So... thanks for the feedback!
I'm curious though... How did you stumble upon my site?
Well I guess "by chance". Was searching for someone and stubmled on your blog and found it be quite interesting :) Since then I am regular visitor........ :)
And WITnesses series is totally cooooool. What a great idea to capture these moments...............
: )
This is a long shot... but by any chance are you the one who's wondering whether "Prateek is going to call you?"
Didn't get that???
And anyways how would you know what I was wondering about????
I've got psychic powers!
; )
Nah I'm kidding...
I told you its a long shot... Its probably someone else...
Never mind...
: )
Oh and you can comment / email me if you have any WITnessed moments of your own that you want to share, and I might put em up with a link.
Hehe, your psychic powers are very amusing PS. Especially about your purple aura.
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