Friday, March 19, 2010


I've got many little ideas and theories, that I'd like to develop and record.

But developing a little idea into a full blog post before putting it up is a barrier that I don't usually get past. So I'm going to start posting these little "nuggets" for us to chew on, and then develop them as we go.

The idea behind this "Nuggets" series is to
1. Explore ideas. (writing makes me think)
2. Start conversations about these ideas. (with all of you wonderful readers!)

[Inspired by Seth Godin. He never fails to post precious little nuggets every single day!]

These two previous posts qualify as nuggets :
Self Discipline and Sacrifice
What's Your Sentence

Quick Link :
The entire Nuggets series


Tara said...

Hey! I like!
Put some more up!

Pratik Stephen said...

: )
Some more coming up soon.