Monday, June 09, 2008

WITnessed : Feminist Tshirts...

(Random post lunch talks...)

Vidyuth : I thought of a cool T-shirt slogan! Let me ask you guys... What would an aggressive feminist write on her T-shirt?
(after no one can think of anything)
Vidyuth : "I've got a Dildo... and I'm not afraid to use it!". We should print T-shirts man!
All of us : hahahahaha... Good one!
Pratik : Neha, you want one?
Neha : haha... Yeah sure...
Pratik : I was talking bout the T-shirt, not a dildo... : p
All of us : hahahaha
GGG : T-shirt ke saath dildo toh free hoga!

Mr. GGG does not want to be infamous on the web, but since he comes up with the funniest lines ever, he shall feature in WITnessed (with his consent), but under the unanimously chosen pseudonym - Mr. GGG

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Unknown said...

Why is always Gappu at the receiving end :P ?

Unknown said...
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Pratik Stephen said...

What can I say?... She's very inspiring... (and we all love her sooo much!)
: )

Unknown said...

And why is Mr. Y afraid to reveal himself? I just saw his name half an hour ago :P.

Pratik Stephen said...

By popular demand, his new nickname is Mr. GGG...
; )

Unknown said...

GGG sounds good, but Gochu would have been far better.