Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WITnessed : Site Slinging

Sneha: Find out where we can go to watch the match tonight! (football world cup)
Andreas: Yes Ma'am. Should I submit a report at the end of the day?
Sneha: Yes, please do that! I want prices, menus everything...

So Andreas sent an email to everyone and in the end he added -
I uploaded a detailed 3-page report with all the comments and info, menus and prices on

Sneha doesn't react.
On the next day...

Andreas: *sheepishly* So did the site work for you?
Sneha: I clicked on it, but it redirected me to some other site called!

Quick Links :
Erm... What exactly is "WITnessed"?
The full WITnessed series...

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